07.09 - 09.09.20
(digital camp)

What is Hooklab?

HOOKLAB is a songwriting camp that brings together Norwegian talent and international pro-writers to create global pop-hits. Our event takes place on a digital workspace, allowing you to bring out your best from wherever you are located.
We are standing on the shoulders of the giant event SongExpo in Trondheim, where Tom Hugo, the founder of Hooklab, was introduced to pro-writing. Multiple hit songs later, he’s teamed up with music manager Liucija to bring the hit-writing circus to his hometown. A-level producers, topliners & publishers from Japan, Korea, China, Los Angeles, Sweden & Finland have worked alongside up and coming talent in 2018 and 2019. We believe 2020 will be just as successful, despite reduced mobility has forced us to move the camp online.
A big thank you to
our Sponsors!


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